Learn ChatGPT: Top 50 ChatGPT Prompts You Should Use

I want to show you the top 50 prompts for ChatGPT, and this comes directly from OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. This is from their website, but what I did is I organized it into a simple sheet that I’ll include below for download, where you have, based on categories, the different categories that these fall into, the purpose for using each prompt, and the actual prompts themselves. And this is going to have very basic things for prompting, like creating recipes or grammar correction, or summarizing text, to some more advanced things that I’ve never seen anyone else covered regarding ChatGPT prompts. Let’s jump in. So I’ll start here:

Q&A Prompt:
With my list, but I’ll show you where I got these prompts from. This is directly from the OpenAI website. But here, the Q&A prompt is one of the most useful ones where it answers questions based on existing knowledge. So I could basically take this prompt, and I’ll copy it over to ChatGPT, and I could paste it over here. So when you basically give this prompt to ChatGPT, if you ask it a question that doesn’t make sense, “What is the square root of a Nana,” it’s not going to actually give you an answer, and it’s going to answer you “unknown.” But if you use this without doing that, if you just ask ChatGPT, “What is the square root of a banana,” it tries to actually give you an answer. So that is a way to basically prime ChatGPT to give you factual answers and just tell you “unknown” when it doesn’t have a good answer.

Okay, here’s another one that most people don’t know about, and that is actually adding this at the end of long text to summarize it in a shorter version. And all you have to do is add this prompt at the end of any large text, which stands for “too long didn’t read.” And if you just type this prompt exactly like this and press enter, it summarizes the text for you. And you could do this with a big amount of text as well, and it will give you a summary. And you don’t even have to write a sentence; it’s literally five characters here gets you that result. This one is really useful.

Spreadsheet Creator Prompt:
This creates a spreadsheet of various kinds of data. And I’m just going to show you here the top 10, and then I’ll go ahead, I’ll link this below. So this one, I could basically have it create a spreadsheet for me, and it’s going to have a title and year of release. I could press enter, and it puts it in this really nice spreadsheet format, and I could copy it from here. So creating these tables or spreadsheets is a really good prompt.

QC Prompt:
This is kind of a fun one, but you could turn movies or music into emojis. So it says, “Convert a movie title into emoji.” And here is the prompt. Let me go ahead and copy and paste this one, and this is basically what Star Wars would look like as an emoji.

Translation Prompt:
So translate English to different languages, and the prompt is, “Translate into one the first language you want to, the second and third.” And I’ll type some text here, and I’ll press enter. And as you can see, I got French, Spanish, and Japanese, and they’re in different sections here. And I could easily copy and paste from here.

This one is for coders, very useful. It could explain code; you could even explain code if you have no idea what you’re looking at. So I’m going to take this piece of code here, I’m going to copy it, and the actual prompt is basically asking what the above code is doing, explain in a concise way. And I’m going to press enter, and it’s going to use just basic English here to explain to you what different types of code does. You could do this with basic HTML code from your website or more advanced python or JSON code too.

Summary Prompt:
This one is really useful, especially for work. This one turns notes into a summary, turns meeting notes into a summary, and basically the prompt is, “Convert my shorthand notes from a meeting into a summary.” So I could just copy this over, I’ll paste that into ChatGPT, and it’s going to give me a much better way of basically sharing this in email format, for example. So this is one of the prompts that I actually use all the time.

Email Prompt:
And this one is also very useful if you use email. It says, “Extract contact information from a block of text.” You could do this with lots of different texts and extract very specific information without manually doing it. And you could do it with a large amount of text as well. And just like that, I got the name and the address just from this text by using this prompt.

Now, all this came from this platform called Playground. It’s from OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, and you could access it at platform.openai.com/playground. And these are basically these types of presets. So I started with the Q&A, and it basically is putting this type of prompt here, and you could submit this prompt to get an answer. So this is kind of similar to ChatGPT, and it’s again from the same company, but it does help you with these kind of prompts, these presets that again I just organized into that document. But you could also access all of them over here if you prefer. This does have a nice search function, but you’ll have to just click on each one here, and you’ll get the prompt again where I pulled the prompt from. And you could open each one of them in the playground, and it will load up the prompts, and you could submit that prompt and have a back-and-forth just like you do with ChatGPT.

We’re also finishing up an entire Netflix-style learning platform for generative AI. This includes entire courses on things like mid-journey ChatGPT prompt engineering, and all our courses are very complete with downloadable resources, and they’re always being updated with the latest updates in AI. And we add new courses and new tutorials on the latest in generative AI every single week. The link for that is in the description if you want to learn more. I hope you found this useful, and I’ll see you in the next video.


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