ChatGPT-4 Workflow: YouTube to Blog Post in Under 1 Hour | Step-by-Step

ChatGPT-4 YouTube to Blog Post Intro

In this video, I will show you how you can go from my YouTube video all the way to a published blog post or an article using ChatGPT, GPT-4, and mid-journey in under an hour. Let’s just get started.

How to Turn a YouTube Video into a Blog Post: ChatGPT-4

The first step is, of course, to find the YouTube video you want to turn into a blog post or an article. Right here is my YouTube video I created a few days ago. I want to turn this into an article on my website. Basically, now I have two options.

So, what I want to do is turn everything into text. I want every word I said in the video into text. I have found out that there are two good options now. I like to use either the Python version where I have created this script, or I can use the OpenAI Whisper to translate everything. But I also like to use this new API from AssemblyAI, which is the conformer one. Now you can just paste in your YouTube link, and you can try it out for free. So you can hit “Next,” just transcribe, click “Next” again, and this will run through it and transcribe every word from the YouTube video into text. I think this took about one minute. So now let’s just copy the whole transcript. I’m just going to grab everything, sort some things out, and paste it just into an empty text file here. So that’s good because we need to use this now in GPT-4 or ChatGPT to create our article or blog post. But now, let’s move on to our next step, and that is going to be planning out our structure for the blog post.

Blog Post Structure

What I want in this one is one H1 title, an introduction, two H2 headlines, and a conclusion. I’m going to be using ChatGPT here to help me create some good titles and brainstorm some ideas on blog post headlines with ChatGPT. I just want to prime the model a bit, so I just go, “URL Creative Marketing expert, you will help me write intriguing SEO-optimized blog post titles. Acknowledge this with ‘yes, yes, I can help you with that.'” And then I go, “Brainstorm 6 blog post H1 run titles from the following information, must include the phrase ‘how-to’ because I want the ‘how-to’ in my H1 title.”

Right then, I just go to my text here, remember, and take some information, just fit it in here so that GPT or ChatGPT can know what some of the blog posts we are going to write is about. So, let’s just run this and see what we can get back here. Okay, so I think I’d like this one: “How to Level Up Your Prompt Engineering Skills in Eight Minutes: A Step-by-Step Guide.” Okay, I’m happy with that. Let’s just copy that, go here, replace this with this one, just remove that. So that’s good. Now we want to skip the intro because I want to create that last.

Now I want two H2 titles. I’m going to do a different approach here. Let me show you. So what I want to do now is I just want to copy every word I have here from my transcription, and I want to go on ChatGPT here and give context to the blog post I want to write. Acknowledge that you have read it by answering “red” here. I just want to paste the whole thing and click “submit,” and we get “red” back.

Now we have every single word we said in the video in the context window to ChatGPT, and we can start to brainstorm some H2 titles. So I’m just going to go, “Brainstorm 6 H2 questions that could be interesting and give value to the reader from the context above.” What are the benefits of adding context to your prompts for ChatGPT? Okay, that’s a good one. I think let’s copy that and add it in here. And I think this: “How can you improve your prompt engineering skills for ChatGPT and GPT-4?” I like that one. I think that’s great. So we can do that up here. Now we have two H2 titles we can answer, right? So that then, it’s just going to be adding those to our blog post here, and we can move on.

Okay, so now we got our H2 titles. The next thing we want to do is head over to GPT-4. Now, if you have access to that, if not, just use ChatGPT. I want to use GPT-4 to answer these questions so we can implement this into our blog post. So I’m just going to select the model. I’m going to pick GPT-4, and I want to prime it.

GPT-4 Priming and Prompt Engineering

Right. So, I’m going to show you how I do this. So here, I just like to prime the model with, “Ignore all previous instructions. Here is your new role and persona: You are a tech writer for a famous online tech website. Your task is to write engaging and helpful blog posts from the given context. Acknowledge this with answering ‘yes.'” Okay, perfect. So we got “yes.” Now, we want to bring our context. So again, we’re just going to copy our whole transcript from the YouTube video, paste it in here, “Here are the contexts for the blog post we are going to write. Answer with ‘red’ to confirm you have read the context and stay idle.” So in here, we’re just going to paste in our post and click “submit,” and we get “red” back.

So now we are ready to answer our questions. The first question we had was, “How can you improve your prompt engineering skills for ChatGPT and GPT-4? And what are the benefits of adding context?” So, let’s start with this one.

Writing the Blog Post with ChatGPT-4

I just go, “Write four paragraphs that answer the following question and help the reader understand. Use bullet points, etc., to help improve readability. Use the given context to improve your answer. How can you improve prompting engineering skills for ChatGPT and GPT-4?” So, let’s hit “submit.”

Okay, so I think this is a good start. We got four paragraphs with bullet points. I think this is good. I want to kind of try to add in some examples. So I’m just going to go, “Great, that was good. Rewrite the answers, but include some simple examples that demonstrate your points.” Yes, this looks very good. It included examples in every single paragraph here. So what I’m going to do now is I’m just going to grab all of this, head over to our docs, and just paste this in as our first H2. As you can see, now we have included this into our blog post. So we got actually four H3s here now with some good answers here, and we got some examples and stuff. So that’s ready to go. Now we want to move on to our next H2.

I’m just going to replace the question right here, paste our new question instead of using bullet points here. I kind of want to use simple examples to improve readability, and I want to do three paragraphs. Perfect. So let’s just spin this and see what we get.

Yes, I think this sounds pretty good. I’m quite happy with this. So what I’m going to do now is just copy all of this, head back to our doc, and just paste in this. So I just did some quick editing, gave some space and stuff, and yeah, our H2 is ready. Now let’s move to our introduction.

Now I just go all the way up again to our window because I want to start fresh. I want to write how I want my introduction to be. So here I just go, “Write a short, intriguing introduction in first-person view from the following information.” Yeah, that should be good. So let’s spin this and see what we get.

Yes, I think this actually looks fine. “I recently dove into the world of prompt engineering for ChatGPT and GPT-4. I was amazed to find that with just a few simple tweaks, I could dramatically enhance the quality.” Right. So what I was looking for here was to get this, “I have though, I could, I received.” Right? That was my aim here. So I’m just going to copy this. I think this is fine. Of course, I’m going to read all of this at the end to see if we’re going to make some changes, but for now, this is a great draft. Right? So I want to paste my introduction in here and just make it normal text and make some spaces. And now that’s complete. Let’s do our final conclusion.

So for that, I’m just going to copy the introduction we just made, head back to GPT-4. I’m going to go up to our prompt here. I’m just going to change it up here. I’m just going to edit this. I want to add in my introduction under here, and we’re going to change this to “Conclusion.” And I just want an engaging conclusion in first-person view from the following information. Yeah, that should be good. So let’s spin this and see what we get.

“In just eight minutes, I’ve been able to significantly improve my prompt engineering skills for ChatGPT and GPT-4, and you can too by understanding the importance of context, role persona, experimenting with different techniques, iterating, and learning.” Yeah, I like this. This could be a good conclusion. And let’s just paste that in, and that should be it. I’m kind of happy with this article. It’s not the longest; that was never the intention. It’s 800 words. That’s pretty good for my website. So what I’m going to do now is just I’m going to read through the whole thing, gonna make my personal touch and edits, and see what I want to change some wording, maybe some structure. And then, we’re going to run it in the AI detection tool to see how it holds up there.

Okay, so I read through the whole thing. It’s kind of exactly what I wanted. I just want it to be very concise and focused on how you can improve your prompt engineering skills. I don’t want some whole fluffy kind of thing. So I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I just changed up a few things. Now let’s copy AI Detection Check Blog Post all of this and head over to the AI classifier and see how it holds up.

Okay, so let’s see here. This comes back as unclear if it’s AI-generated. Okay, that’s fine. But what I wanted to say quickly is that since this is based on my own content, right? I created a video, I wrote the script for the video, so I don’t really care if it’s basically just using ChatGPT or GPT-4 to help me speed up the process instead of typing myself since this is already my content. If it’s not your content, you might want to iterate more to make it your personal content instead of just a copy of the video, but that’s up to you. So let’s move on to the publish step. This is where we are at now. We have our H1 title, right? We have our featured image, introduction. I have embedded my YouTube video about this. I added some internal links, and now you can see the only thing we are really missing is the images.

I only use Midjourney or other AI image generators for creating my images for my blog posts. Let’s head over to GPT-4 to get some prompt IDs we can run in Midjourney. If you haven’t seen my video on Midjourney GPT-4 Prompt Engineering, how you can use GPT-4 to create prompts for Midjourney or other AI image generators, you can find that on my channel. It should be quite easy to find. But now I just go, “Now generate a Midjourney prompt for your interpretation of a prompt engineer sitting at a computer, typing, the Matrix-style background, smoke fog on the ground.” So let’s see what this brings us.

Here we have a prompt that is finished. So what I’m going to do is just going to copy this since the new Midjourney version is so good at processing natural language. GPT-4 is perfect for this kind of tasks. So I’m really happy how we can use this now. It’s so easy. So what I’m going to do, I’m just going to run a few of this. I’m going to paste all of them into my journey, and let’s see if we can find some illustrations we can use for our post.

Okay, so we have some results back here, Midjourney V5 Blog Post Image. Let’s take a quick look here. So we got yeah, this. I think we can use some of this. These are quite cool. I really like this one and the left one here, maybe on top, and this is a bit different. So we’re also going to use this. So let me grab some of this, put them into our article, and let’s take a look at the final post.

Okay, so that is the post finished. Let’s Finished YouTube Video to Blog Post find it here on my homepage. So let’s click here: “How to Level Up Your Prompt Engineering Skills in Eight Minutes: A Step-by-Step Guide.” Yeah, I was very happy but with this. I think it turned out pretty good. We got our embedded YouTube video. We got our H2s. The images turned out pretty good, I think. I like them. I think they fit very good.

And yeah, this is how I do it. This is my process. I kind of hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you can learn something from it. If you enjoyed this video and you want to dive deeper into prompt engineering, be sure to check out my membership below where I have more tutorials and more stuff coming up on this topic. Also, don’t forget to check out this video here if you enjoyed this one. And as always, have a good day, and I’ll see you in the next one.

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